Hello! Originally from Maryland (Amanda) and Indiana (Scott), we currently reside near Seattle in Lacey, Washington. We’ve been avid followers of the Financial Independence, Retire Early (“FIRE”) movement and reached that goal ourselves in 2024 as we both “retired” from our full-time jobs. While we had many amazing travel experiences as we worked towards our FIRE goal, we can now have them on our own terms without the worry of how much vacation time we have left to use each year.

We are bigger believers in the “FI” part of FIRE than we are of the “RE” – meaning we now have the financial independence to do what we want to do, when we want to do it. Don’t get us wrong, we didn’t win the lottery and still need to live within our budget. We may choose to permanently retire, but we find that unlikely. We’ll likely continue to find income sources, such as short-term consulting engagements or other side hustles, to fund travel above and beyond our set annual budget. We also plan to focus much more on volunteering for various organizations in the area, visiting family and friends, and focusing more on personal hobbies such as golf (Scott), crocheting, reading (Amanda), and hiking in the great outdoors (both of us).

We created Mannings on the Move to share our travel experiences and provide information to those of you who may be looking to travel and want some inspiration or practical planning ideas. You’ll also find blog posts from us from time to time on travel, FIRE, or anything else we think might be interesting. We hope you enjoy and let us know if you’d like our help planning your next trip!